- Yasuda, Y., & Goegan, L. D. (2025). The relationship between mindset, social comparison, and academic engagement. Social Psychology of Education.28(58),
- Yasuda, Y., & Masuda, T. (2024). Cultural variation in self-assessment in Athletes: Towards the development of culturally-grounded approach in sports psychology. International Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology.
- Yasuda, Y., & Goegan, L. D. (2023). Effective strategy types depending on regulatory focus in academic settings. Learning and Motivation, 83, 101906.
- Yasuda, Y., & Goegan, L. D. (2023). The relationship between regulatory focus, perfectionism, and burnout in academic settings. Social Psychology of Education, 26, 903-923.
- Masuda, T., Yasuda, Y., & Bayart-Od, T. (2022). A commentary toward: Ueda, Otshika, & Saiki (2022) “Cultural evolution and visual cognitive diversity through interaction with the environment” Shinrigakuhyoron [Psychological Review], 65(2), 177-185.
- Lee, H., Masuda, T., Ishii, K., Yasuda, Y., & Ohtsubo, Y. (2022). Cultural differences in the perception of daily stress between European Canadian and Japanese undergraduate students. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 49(4), 571–584.
- Yasuda, Y. (2022). The potential of cultural psychology in sport settings. International Journal of Sport and Health Science, 20, 19-25.
- Yasuda, Y., & Paskevich, D. (2020). The multicollinearity between Youth Development Questionnaire and Team Assessment Diagnostic Measurement in sport settings. Cogent Social Sciences, 6(1), 109.
- Masuda, T., Ito, K., Lee, J., Suzuki, S., Yasuda, Y., & Akutsu, S. (2020). Culture and business: How can cultural psychologists contribute to research on behaviors in the marketplace and workplace? Frontiers in Cultural Psychology, 11, 1304.
11. Fujiwara, Y., Yasuda, Y., Tsuchiya, H. (2024, December 13-14). The relationship between psychological safety and self-regulated learning in varsity track and field athletes: Focusing on the role of basic psychological needs [Poster presentation]. East Asian Alliance of Sport Pedagogy Conference, Seoul, Korea.
10. Cruz, N.D., Yasuda, Y., & McKenzie, A. (2024, July 29-August 1). Making the unseen seen: Navigating ethical Standards as minorities in sport psychology [Oral presentation]. Qualitative Research in Sport and Exercise, Bath, U.K.
09. Yasuda, Y., & Masuda, T. (2022 July 11-16). How do sports athletes prepare for a game? It might depend on culture. [oral presentation]. European Federation of Sport Psychology, Padova, Italy.
08.Yasuda, Y., & Goegan, L. D. (2022 June 17-19). Do you set appropriate goals? It depends on regulatory focus. [Oral presentation]. Canadian Psychology Association, Calgary, Canada.
07. Yasuda, Y., & Goegan, L. D. (2022 June 17-19). The effect of regulatory focus: People might feel burnout in different ways. [Poster presentation]. Canadian Psychology Association, Calgary, Canada.
06. Yasuda, Y., Safi, S., Jamal, M., Fisher, D., Mateiuchev, B., Deshpande, A., Vig, J. (2022 April 7-8). Assessing regulatory focus theory in a sport setting. [Poster presentation]. Royce Harder Conference, Online.
05. Yasuda, Y., Safi, S., Fisher, D., Jamal, M., Mateiuchev, B., Deshpande, A., Vig, J. (2022 April 7-8). Cultural varietions in implict theory. [Poster presentation]. Royce Harder Conference, Online.
04. Yasuda, Y., & Masuda, T. (2021 September 30-October 4). Cultural differences in self-appraisals and satisfaction in sport settings. [Oral presentation]. International Society of Sport Psychology, Online.
03. Yasuda, Y., & Paskevich, D. (2019, October 17-19). The multicollinearity between youth sport environment questionnaire and team assessment diagnostic measurement in sport settings. [Poster presentation]. Canadian Society for Psychomotor Learning and Sport Psychology, Vancouver, BC, Canada.
02. Yasuda, Y., & Paskevich, D. (2019, June 5-8) The relationships between cohesion, collective efficacy, communication, and performance outcomes in youth team sports. [Poster presentation]. North American Society for the psychology of sport and physical activity, Baltimore, MA, US.
01. Yasuda, Y. (2017, November 24-26) The relationship between cohesion, collective efficacy, team mental models, and performance in boy’s and girl’s collage soccer teams. [Poster presentation]. Japanese Society of Sport Psychology, Osaka, Kansai, Japan.
Community services
2019 Tsuchiura First high school, Ibaraki, Japan, “How can we enhance communication in the team?”
2019 Ryugasaki Second high school, Ibaraki, Japan, “Let’s self-aware and set effective goals.”
2020 Online instructor at soccer coaching online salon, Japan, “Meeting for a team to ne united.”
2020 Online instructor at soccer coaching online salon, Japan, “Consider Japan’s way by considering psychological characteristics of Japanese”
2020 Online instructor at soccer coaching online salon, Japan, “Cognition in soccer, cognition in psychology”
2020 Online Instructor at soccer coaching online salon, Japan, “Basics and appliaction of motivation”